The Rising of Tanaka in Another World
The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

217 Chapters 587 Views 7 Bookmarked Completed Status

The Rising of Tanaka in Another World novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Comedy, Fantasy genres. Written by the author Guri. 217 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.


A high school student with excellent grades, outstanding athleticism, and pretty face, albeit slightly oblivious, Kenzaki Kamui was leading a school life at the height of his youth.

However, on a certain day he was summoned to another world as a Hero by the magicians of Purin Kingdom.

It was the tale of Hero Kamui, who was summoned to another world to fight against various national disasters…, or not, it was the tale of Tanaka Taro, a slightly chuunibyou-ish middle-aged man, who was caught in that summoning and was thrown into another world.

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