The Mysterious Black Magician
The Mysterious Black Magician

The Mysterious Black Magician

382 Chapters 17.2K Views 50 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

The Mysterious Black Magician novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Drama, Romance, Sci-fi genres. Written by the author Fhrutz_D_Hollow. 382 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


RPG STYLE NOVEL, MC DOING QUEST, KILLING MONSTERS, LEVELING UP, GAINING SKILL, AND etc... SYSTEM Deity, a newly invented modern gadget that helps humans to breakthrough their limiters. Our protagonist Yman Talisman was a young man, 17 years old, and an orphan. After he found out that he had a Hollow Cell symptom, he rejoiced. Now there was a way for him to cure his ill sister. But on the day of evaluation exams, because of an incident, he was late and only managed to get the weakest magic skill among the rest. How can someone like him fight monster monsters when his magic was the weakest and no use for fighting? No group wanted to let him joined them. In order to cure his sister, he had no choice but to fight monsters alone. When he finds out about a certain item that able to heal any kind of illness, he didn't think twice and embark into a journey. Leaving his ill sister to a trusted friend, he left the city and delves into adventures to search for it. THIS NOVEL IS A HIDDEN GEM!!! YOU WILL KNOW WHEN YOU REACH CHAPTER 100. MC HAD ALMOST UNLIMITED CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!

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