Necromancer Of The Shadows


List of reviews made by users for the Necromancer Of The Shadows novel.

2 users have written reviews for the Necromancer Of The Shadows novel and rated it with an average score of 2.8 out of 5.

2 Reviews

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Reymond Galindo
5 months ago

Who's the Fl? Man 360+ and still don't have romance. Don't tell me it's that braindead woman, So far the story is good and mc is OP can't wait to ascend and find the shadow realm and really pls the romance🙃
Just f*king remove the Romance tag bruh 1-540 and still no romance, and after that some crazy title? Why put luck? When you are cursed?

Alex Lag
8 months ago

A really enjoyable read, in 1 week i read all available chapters, cant wait for more, cant wait when Evan reaches A rant with his monarch core and goes through ascension tower, im also eagerly anticipating new chapters, author please stay healthy!

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