Lord of Annihilation novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Sci-fi, Seinen, Adventure genres. Written by the author C0nstance. 405 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.
What does itmean totruly bealone? Tolose your friends, loved ones, and your entire species.
Are humans truly alone inthis vast cosmos, oristhere agreater stage awaiting ittoenter?
IsDeath really theend? Oristhere something beyond it?
Follow along with Lucius, aman who was once truly alone for 300 years, ashereturns tothe past once again inorder tobreak free from 'The Rules' and 'Them'
The only path tothe end isthrough Annihilation!
Are humans truly alone inthis vast cosmos, oristhere agreater stage awaiting ittoenter?
IsDeath really theend? Oristhere something beyond it?
Follow along with Lucius, aman who was once truly alone for 300 years, ashereturns tothe past once again inorder tobreak free from 'The Rules' and 'Them'
The only path tothe end isthrough Annihilation!
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