Infinite Clone System
Infinite Clone System

Infinite Clone System

169 Chapters 2.2K Views 30 Bookmarked Completed Status

Infinite Clone System novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Supernatural genres. Written by the author 裴骄大姥爷. 169 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.


“You may not believe it, but the apostle who wants to unify all things, Piccolo, who wants to rule the world, Aizen who wants to transcend. There is also Gaetia who can travel through time to the birth of the planet… they are all my clones.”

“Oh, of course, the same is true about that guy who fought the Hero.”

“Uh, you mean Garou? He is there too, but I haven’t decided whether it is better to let him hunt the Akatsuki, or send him to hunt in the Mist village.”

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