I Have Countless Clones


List of reviews made by users for the I Have Countless Clones novel.

3 users have written reviews for the I Have Countless Clones novel and rated it with an average score of 4.7 out of 5.

3 Reviews

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5 months ago

Uma História Interessante, o MC não é arrogante e não OP desde o Principio. Uma boa obra uma pena que tenha poucos capítulos e a tradução esteja demorando consideravelmente

Rifky Fajri
8 months ago

Interesting and looks like it should be updated every day
the story is good and fun
if you can update it every day please admin hehehe

Toni Glennan
9 months ago

This story is quite good and I've read all chapters available. I have to admit that the main character isn't as smug as other MC'S when he's op and I like how it actually takes time for him to level up instead of him being op from the start.

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