List of reviews made by users for the Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game novel.

2 users have written reviews for the Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game novel and rated it with an average score of 5 out of 5.

2 Reviews

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Tom The Tom
9 months ago

It’s a surprisingly captivating story given it’s large chapter count. The plot is actually interesting but leaves some plot holes left unexplained. The MC is actually makes smart decisions rather than be hailed as a “genius” like in most novels but makes trash decisions. Romance is basically nil. The translation was bad but has become better in the 1000+.

tl;dr. It’s good. Give it a fair shot.

Addendum: The devil seed arc is a bit out of place for me. Still well written but it’s such a plot whiplash from the previous arcs.

Adebanji Adesewa
1 year ago

Please 🙏 update I really like the novel😍😍😍😍 please and please update another chapter this suspense is too much please if it's just one this night it will be good

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