Fox’s Tongue and Kirin’s Bone
Fox’s Tongue and Kirin’s Bone

Fox’s Tongue and Kirin’s Bone

111 Chapters 666 Views 9 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Fox’s Tongue and Kirin’s Bone novel is a popular light novel covering Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Comedy, Action genres. Written by the author MuffinLance. 111 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Humanity is dying, hunted to extinction by creatures of legend. One boy was born to save them all.

That boy just got knifed in the back. He looked a bit too much like Aaron, you see.

Now it’s Aaron’s job to step up, lest his Death correct that little mix-up. But Aaron’s skills as a street rat run more towards stealing and stabbing than towards saving. And the more he learns of what brought dear dead Markus to that fatal alleyway, the more he has to wonder just what the world’s savior was really up to the night the wrong boy died.

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