Commerce Emperor
Commerce Emperor

Commerce Emperor

48 Chapters 837 Views 26 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Commerce Emperor novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Action, Drama, Adventure, Supernatural genres. Written by the author Void Herald. 48 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


The world is up for sale, and Robin is making an offer.

When Robin Waybright became the Merchant Hero, all of Pangeal turned into his marketplace; for the Merchant can buy and sell anything. Youth, skills, memories, hair color, joys and illnesses… in the trade of power, every deal can tip the scale.

And Robin needs power. His homeland of Archfrost teeters on the brink of collapse, the sinister Demon Ancestors plot in the shadows, and twenty-one other Heroes, each with their own Class, have been chosen to save the world of Pangeal. Not all of them are friendly.

There’s work to do… and profit to make.

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