Chapter 1 Read Before Starting The Novel

I have seen comments from new readers and I really understand them, so I will leave a clarification for all new readers who dare to read my story. The story at the beginning is a bit tedious and perhaps stressful, but it was really because of two factors, my inexperience in writing and my attempt to portray an immature protagonist, those two factors did not match well, but I'm over it. In the novel we have an important death at the beginning, maybe you have already read about it in the reviews, but the novel does not focus on tragedy or anything like that, they are simply coincidences that happen and what I want to write, is the personal overcoming of the protagonist. Today, after 133 chapters, I am pleased to say that the protagonist has already lived for a long time and had important experiences in his young age, achieving a much more mature mentality than at the beginning, something that can be confirmed by any reader who has followed the story.

Personally I encourage you to read and not get carried away by the beginning, because as I said before, most of the deficiencies with the protagonist are solved with certain experiences.

Now as for the grammatical flaws, at the beginning I had no editor, it was all my own translation work and it was really difficult, but today I have more experience and I even have an editor, constantly ensuring a better quality to the chapters.

That would be all, I wish you a good time reading my story, have a nice day.

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